p | r | a | g | u | e – The Sighs and Signatures of an Immaculate Dreamer

“Learn a new language and get a new soul” ~ Czech proverb.

A new set of reworked images from the magical city of Prague.  I became enamoured with the deluge of colours found in the characteristic ecology of the city.  My camera became an echolocation device with every click as I roamed around its labyrinth of charming streets and narrow passages looking for a scene that would make me sigh so that I may add my own signature as a photographer to this wonderous place.  This series offers a minimalist and muted colour appraoch to a city that already offers a sophistication of spirit found in the simplest of moments.

Please click here or on the image to see the set.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Have a beautiful day!


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